Wednesday, September 13, 2006

A tale to tell

Ah, my fellow students, come, a story is waiting to be told, a story about tuhua, oh it was long, long ago,'' Amal sighed peacefully. The young ones gave full attention and the story began....


MrWoody said...

lama - the post above is spam. delete it.

and where is your enticing tale???

Urxan said...

Lama!!!!!! You go round, say :"I've made a Tuhua blog, I don't have to E-mail you my story!", then you don't put your story on. You are so bliddy infuriating!!!!!!!!!!!

Your good friend,

laffydaffy said...

i didn't have enough time to!!!!!!!

Urxan said...

How 'bout now??????

laffydaffy said...

and i luv infuriating you, it's fun!!!!!! Anyway, how woz da movie? and my bro says da elf pic is da bomb

Urxan said...

The movie was cool...ish. Okay, your brother is weird! Weird, weird, weird, strange and a little delirious.
Okay, now I'm dizzy. Dizzy... dizzy... dizzy... slightly delirious... dizzy... dizzy...

laffydaffy said...

ya, he is wierd, and E-MAIL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!